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For Entertainment Production

QHuman technology with our early full body scanner was used for creating digital avatar for the 5 members of a Hong Kong local pop band MR. in their MV.

With the used of QHuman technology, the process time of converting scan to rigged and retopologized character had been significantly 1,000 x faster than the traditional ways, one-click is all it took to start posing, animating and setting up shots of complex effects for the digital avatar of the 5 members of MR.

The apply of QHuman technology in nowadays entertainment production for sure can benefit the production team on both production time and cost.

MR. 不屈MV
1-click Avatar Creation for Hong Kong Pop Band MR. 不屈 MV 1
MR. 不屈MV
1-click Avatar Creation for Hong Kong Pop Band MR. 不屈 MV 2
1-click Avatar Creation for Hong Kong Pop Band MR. 不屈 MV 3
The making of Mr. 不屈MV
1-click Avatar Creation for Hong Kong Pop Band MR. 不屈 MV 4
1-click Avatar Creation for Hong Kong Pop Band MR. 不屈 MV 5
The making of Mr. 不屈MV
1-click Avatar Creation for Hong Kong Pop Band MR. 不屈 MV 6
1-click Avatar Creation for Hong Kong Pop Band MR. 不屈 MV 7
1-click Avatar Creation for Hong Kong Pop Band MR. 不屈 MV 8

Photo & Video source:

  • universalmusichk